Wednesday, August 24, 2011

couldn't help myself

1. Prisoner of Azkaban
2. Half Blood Prince
3. Luna Lovegood
4. Felix Feclies
5. Lumos
6. Defense Against The Dark Arts
7. Order of the Pheonix
8. Chamber of Secerts
9. Cho Chang
10. Gryfindor
11. Remus Lupin
12. Draco Malfoy
13. Florish & Blotts
14. Three Broomsticks
15. Pigmy Puffs
16. Sirius Black
17. Weasley Wizard Whezzes
18. Cloak
19. Rabbit
20. Remus Lupin
21. Owl
22. Keeper
23. Every Flavor Beans
24. Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures
25. wieght loss done
26. Extenable Ears
27. Deathly Hallows
28. Half Blood Prince
29. Dog
30. Harry/Severus
31. snitch
32. Tonks
33. Qudditch Through the Ages
34. Three Broomsticks
35. money and various heirlooms
36. Half-blood
37. Sirius Black
38. cherry
39. something food related
40. grass
41. nothing. Horcruxs kill
42. all the movies and the books

1 comment:

  1. But #39 would violate Gamps law! ;-)

    1. Half Blood Prince
    2. Deathly Hallows Part 1
    3. Ron Weasley
    4. Elixir to Induce Euphoria
    5. Alohamora
    6. Potions
    7. Order of the Pheonix (Harry is SO annoying)
    8. Chamber of Secrets (especially the very end! Ugh)
    9. The Creevey Brothers
    10. Ravenclaw
    11. None, K thx
    12. Fred or George
    13. Eyelops
    14. Puddifoots Tea
    15. Hedwig!
    16. Fred for sure
    17. Weasley Wizard Wheezes (DUH!)
    18. Cloak (DUH!)
    19. Squirrel
    20. Snape, for laughs
    21. A Kitteh
    22. Keeper
    23. Crystallized Pineapple
    24. Department of Mysteries
    25. Myself at Hogwarts
    26. The Daydream Charm
    27. Sorcerer's Stone
    28. Goblet of Fire
    29. Deer (Not to rip of the potter family, but I've always felt that deer were my spirit animal)
    30. Weasley Twin/Hermione
    31. Key with wings
    32. Lupin
    33. The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
    34. Three Broomsticks
    35. Galleons and Sickles, DUH!
    36. Full-Blood, but not in a racist way
    37. Nonayerbizness
    38. Maple
    39. One to do my Laundry for me
    40. Mashed Potatoes
    41. Why would I tell you!
    42. All the books, plus a UK edition of Deathly Hallows, The years 1-3 video game and the Sorcerers Stone movie.
